Reflect, Relate, Release!

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Gifts and The Gifted

I casually wrote this post as a Facebook Post six years ago, January 10, 2015.

Great Morning Folks!

Word/Phrase of the day: God is the God of creation, not destruction.

I have a word or two to share, and I hope it is of value to one or more.

When we are born, God provides us with the means to live joyfully and happily on this Earth. You have the means for success, and a good life--if only you harness your "gift." Each of us is born with a God-given gift. Your gift must be used in Service of others. THAT is your Mission on Earth; that ultimately guides your purpose-driven life.

If everyone used their gift in service of others, each of us would be the recipient of what we need. All of our basic needs would be met. Remember, your gift, your service is directly aligned to another person; and someone else is awaiting your shared gift. That is why we are encouraged to give. When we do, we all "win" aka LIVE.

When we err, chaos ensues (misalignment), and we then have folks who struggle, and are in need...

This is where we are today.

What follows are people committing acts of desperation, i.e. manipulation, lying, stealing (things or ideas); copy and pasting; plagiarizing; and sabotage. Corruption of originality, creativity, and usurping of god-given talents and gifts is of destruction. Who is the god of destruction? Hmmm...

Let that marinate.

When you find yourself committing or in the midst of destructive actions, you must assess your situation and make a conscious choice of free-will. If it is a culture of the aforementioned, remove yourself from it, and seek your service--your mission. "He knows the intent of your heart."


God is the God of Creation--the original. You are made in His image. When you find yourself having to lie, cheat, steal, plagiarize, sabotage and copy to stay relevant, you are obviously not serving your role, mission, or purpose--utilizing YOUR gift. ...and yes, ill-gotten gain, is soon lost. So cherish the moment--as that is what it will be: just a brief moment. As what was unduly gained is not yours, or for you.

Stephania P. Biddings

"That's all folks." (Bugs Bunny said that.😉 )